Introducing it is a way of someone to introduce his or herself or introduce other people.
Let's learn how to introduce.
How Do You Introduce Yourself?
-Let me introduce myself , my name is Dino Adisaputra.
-Hello, I am Dino.
-Hello, my name is Dino Adisaputra. You call me Dino.
How Do You Introduce Other People?
-I would like to introduce Aldio.
-I would like you to meet Sean.
-Excuse me, let me introduce my new friend. Her name is Diky.
-By Dwi, this is Sean and Sean, this is Ny Dwi.
How Do You Close or End the Conversation?
-See you!
-Well, I should be going now.
-I'm sorry. Buy I have to go now.
-It's been nice talking with you. See you later!
-Well, I must be off now. I'll talk you later.
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