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hellooo guyysss ^^ .. this is Definition of Sympathy Expression...
okk.. disini qmu akn menyimakny dgn baikk,, gmana kah itu Sympathy , pengertianny dan sebagai ny ^^..
Sympathy Expression in adlah  sesuatu dmana qita menyampaiqan kata" prhatian qita kpada orng" d sekitar kita
silakan bacyaa yaa ^_-
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern of care fullness on other people's condition.

How can we give sympathy expression to someone ?
We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service , e-mail, television, radio and newspaper if he/she who got the trouble is far from us.

  Expressing sympathy 
-I'm sorry for what's happened
-Oh you, poor little thing
-Look ! This not the end of the world
-(oh, dear) I am sorry (to hear that)
-That's a pity/shame
-You must be very upset
-Oh, no!
-I know how it feels !
The example about sympathy expression:
Andin: My grandfather was die
Sari   : I'm sorry to hear that
Andin: Thanks

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Greetings are an act of communication in which human being intentionally make their presence known to each other and to show attention.

Formal Greetings
- Good morning (until about lunch time, before 12 a.m)
- Good afternoon (12-6 p.m)
- Good evening (until about 9 p.m)
- Good morning Sir, Ma'am,

Informal Greetings
- Hi, Tom !
- Morning, Susi !
- Hello..

Initial Greetings
- How are you ? I'm fine thank you.
- How's it doing ?
- How are you doing ?
- How's life ?

Responding to initial greetings
- Very well, thank you. And you ?
- I'm good/okay/alright
- Oh, pretty good
- Not too bad, thanks
- Fine, thanks
- Excellent 
How to introduce youself:
1. Let me introduce myself...
2. Hello, I'm...... (Your name)
3. Hi. I'm.... You can call me...
4. Hello my name is.....
How do you introduce other people:
1. I would like to introduce
2. I wolud like you to meet
3. Excuse me, let me introduce my new friend. His/her name is....
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Haii teman" ^^ ...
apa kalian tauu itu Shapes, Part of body in yours..
ok ok okk .. ini sesuatu bagian" dari tubuh kita ^ ^ heheee..
kalian bsa mmbacany 'n menyimakny pengertian ini ...

Shapes are all the geometrical information that remains when location, scale and rotational effects are filtered out from an object .


1. Simple Straight Sided Shapes

2. Simple Rounded Shapes
-3D Shapes

3. Mathematical Shapes

4. Miscellanous Shapes

Part of body is the entire structure of a human organism and consist of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs. by the time human reaches adulthood, the body consist of close to 50 trillion cells, the basic unit of life.





-Bladder is the organ inside the body of a person, where urine is stored before it leaves the body.
-Brain is the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings and activity.
-Digestive system The organs in your body that digest food.
-Ear is the ear is made up of three different sections: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. These parts all work together so you can hear and process sounds.
-Eye takes in information about the world around you - shapes, colors, movement, and more. Then they send the information to your brain.
-Heart sends blood around the body. The blood provides oxygen and nutrients to the body.
-Kidney have  the main job is to filter the waste out of the blood.
-Liver is a large organ in the body which cleans the blood and produces bile (a bitter yellow liquid which helps to digest fat).
-Lungs are one of the largest organs in the body, they work with the respiratory system to take in fresh air, and get rid of stale air.
-Mouth is the opening in the face which consists of the lips and the space between them, or the space behind which contains the teeth and the tongue.
-Skeleton is the frame of bones that support the body.
-Spine is the line of bones down the center of the back that provides support for the body.
-Teeth is the hard white objects in the mouth, which are used for biting and chewing.
-Urinary tract  is the parts of the body which produce and carry urine.
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Happiness  Expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelingsWhat is happiness ?
  • It is important to first understand that the term ‘’happiness ‘’ refers to the emotion ,mood ,and state of happiness ,however researchers generally study the more enduring ‘’state”
  • Expression happiness is used to expression happiness feelings when we are successful to do something.
What  would you say to express you happiness ?
  • I’m happy because……….
  • Fantastic
  • Great
  • My life’s fun of happy day
  • You make me happy
  • I’m so glad that you
  • I like ……..
  • I love……..
  • I’m statistied with
  • I’m pleased with
  • Congratulation !!
We can happiness expression of  by :
  • Word( kata-kata)
  • Gestures ( gerakan )
For the example of dialouge about happiness expression:
Nhya  : What do you accept from your birthday ,dhina?
Dhina : Fantastic ,I can a new bag from my father. That’s new bag .
It is    very good
Nhya  : Oh, I ‘m happy too hear it.
Dhina : Thank’z ,Nhya
Nhya  : You are welcome
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Recount text is a text that is used to retell event for the purpose of informing  or entertaining.
The generic structures of Recount text are :
  1. Orientation ( its gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved where it happened  ,when it happened)
  2. Events ( a series of events  ordered in a chronological sequence )
  3. Re-orentation  ( restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident)
The significant lexicogrammatical features :
  • Uses of simple past tense
  • Uses  of temporal conjuctions ( when ,after,before,next,later,then)
  • Uses of personal pronoun ( I and We )

For the example of Recount text :
“ A visit  to a sheep property “
Last holiday.I visited a sheep property .I helped in the shearing sheds an the yards .On the first day the Merino  wethers were crutched.I helped by sweeping up after the rouseabout picked up the wool pieces shearers start early ( at 7.30 a.m )
After lunch,we started shearing the lambs .There were more than 400 so we didn’t finish until the next day.Once again I was sweeping  and picking up dags.I was tired by the end of the day in the shed but our work wasn’t finished.We all had to help to get the wethers and lambs back into the paddocks.
As well ,we had to get a mob of ewes and their lambs into the yard for shearing the next day.Then it was time for tea ( that’s what my nanna calls dinner ).This was a very long day but I enjoyed it a lot.
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okk Guyss ^^.. Next., this is Giving Instruction..
kalian pasti tau kan..,, pengertian in biasa dgunakan d saat kalian mmberi instruksi..
selengkapny kalian baca aj yaaa ^^..

Giving Intruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
The example expression of giving instructions
  • Open your book
  • Close the door ,please !
  • Stand up ,please
  • Be quiet,please
  • Move them chair
1.We use as commanding word in the from of infinite
Without to : _ strand up
_  clean the room
2.We use be + adjective ,or noun or adverb
_ be careful
_ be on time
3.We use the word don’t + verb infinite without
To  : _ don’t move !
  _  don’t do it !
4. We use word please at beginning or at the end of an instruction to make it sounds more polite,for
Example :  _ love me please
_ keep silent,please
Note : the tense used in giving instruction is ‘’ simple present ‘’
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Gaining Attention

Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to .
If yu want to gain attention of some people you can use  this:
  • Attention, please
  • May  I have your attention ,please ?
  • Excuse me, Look here !
  • Listen to me ,please !
  • Waiter ?
  • I’m sorry ,but……………..
  • Wow really ?
  1. Example
Dodi    : Excuse me,mr !
Dedi    : Yes,what happen ?
Dodi    : Can you speak in Germany ?
Dedi    : Oh, I can’t speak in Germany ,sir.I just can speak an English   .I’m   sorry
Dodi    : Okay .Thank you sir.
Dedi    : You are welcome.
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Nexxttttsss . . .. :D hehhehe

Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.It explains how people perform different  processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc

The generic structures of procedure text are:

Linguistic Features 
-Focus on generalized human agents (often implict)
-Use of simple present
-Use of mainly temporal conjunction
-Use of mainly action verbs (often imperratives)
Example of procedure text:
Example of Procedure text
How to charge hand phone battery

prepare your :
- hand phone
- battery charger

Steps :
1. Connect the charger to your hand phone, the flash symbol on the charger plug must face upward.
2. Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen.
3. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until the battery icon indicates that the battery is fully charged.
4. Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand phone.
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Annoucement is something said ,written,or paintend  to make know what has happened( more often) what will happen.
In writing an announcement ,keep the following points:
  • The title/ type of event
  • Date /time ,place and
  • Contact person

We can find the announcement in television, radio, newspaper, wall magazine, etc.

The characteristic of an announcement:
Uses simple present tense or simple future tense often enticement.

Example of an announcement:

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Advertisement is a communication whose is to inform potential costumers about to generic increased consumption of those product and service through the creation and reinforcement of brand loyalty.For these purposes advertisement often contain both factual information and persuasive messages.Every major medium is used to deliver these messages,including,television,radio,movies,magazines,newspaper,video games,the internet and billboards.Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company.
In short,advert
Information for persuading and motivation people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.
Function of advertisement
In making an advertisement keep the following points :
1.Language of advertisement  :
  • Using the correct or suitable words
  • Using the interesting and suggestive expression
  • Using positive expression
  • Text of advertisement should be directed to goal
2.Content of advertisement :
  • Objective and honest
  • Brief and clear
  • Not  mocking to group or other producer
  • Attractive attention

Advertisement How 2 meaning :
  • Advertisement is a comerical solicitation designed to sell some commodity,service or similar.Companies try to sell their product using.
  • Advertisement is a public notice the city council placed an advertisment in the local newspaper in informs it residents of the forthcom in road works
Advertisment is refers to all people many advertisment are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and service through the creation and reinforcement of brand image ” N ” barand loyality.
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Appointment tell about agreement for meeting it is good to make an appointment before you meet or people.1.Making an Appointment
  • Can I come and see you ?
  • I want to make an appointment to see
  • I ‘ll be there
2.Accepting an Appointment
  • Be there on time
  • It’s a deal
  • I’ll wait for you
3.Canceling an Appointment
  • I’m sorry ,I ‘m very busy
  • I ‘m terrible sorry I have to put off my Appointment
4.Changing an Appointment
  • What about……………( Tuesday at.04.00.p.m)
  • Do you have another time this afternoon
  • Well,I must be off now .I’ll talk to you later.
For the example of  dialogue about Appointment
Joko  : Hi,can I talk to Jeky ?
Jeky  : Ya ,it’s me .Who is talking ?
Joko  : I ‘m Joko .Sorry to disturb you
Jeky  : No problem.What’s up ?
Joko  : Well,you like to accompany me to Gary’s House this  afternoon?
Jeky  : Yeah.I can
Joko  : Okay .I will pick up you at.5.p.m
Jeky  : Ok .I wait You.
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Narrative text is a text that is used for the purpose of entertaining or amusing, creating ,stimulating emotions,motivating,guiding and teaching the readrs or the listeners and it usually deals with actual or vicious experience .Narrative text such as : fable ( Mouse Deer and Crocodile ),legend/folk tables ( Sangkuriang ,Malin Kundang ),Fairy Tale ( Cinderella,Snow White ,Pinochio )
The generic of Narrative text :
  1. Orientation : It sets  the scene and introduces the participants ( it answer the    questions = who,when,what,where )
  2. Evaluation : A stepping back to evaluate the plight ( the information about  the narrator’s point of view ) .It’s optional.
  3. Complication : A crisis or a problem arises.It usually involves the main characters
  4. .Resulation   : A solution to the problem ( for better or worse ) main characters find ways to solve the problem.
Some important point in the story of narrative text are :
  • It uses temporal conjunction : ex once upon a time ,before,after,etc.
  • It uses simple past tense        : ex  there lived a……….one day…there was …etc

For the example of Narrative text :
“  Island  Rote “
Rote is small but a fertile island.Rote is located at the province of east Nusa Tenggara .There wasn’t any big town on the island ,but a small village.Not very far from that village ,there was a small hut.A woman and her grand daughter lived  in that hut.Every day the grand daughter was away,then she got busy in the kitchen cooking rice.In the afternoon both of them cooked the fish .When the meals were ready ,both are ravenously.
One day,the old woman told her grand daughter ,” My grand daughter from now on please cook one grain of  rice only a day .Please don’t forget about it,” said the grand daughter  earnestly then the girl got busy with the cooking.After  a short time ,she time ,she went to see whether the rice was well cooked .When she opened the lid of the cooking pot ,the content overflowed.
The girl time franticallt to catch the flowing rice with a bowl .But the rice continuosly overflowed.The girl got more franticly  seeing the rice flood ,the entire floor of the hut.The rice even flooded the garden outside .Crying,the girl ran out of the hut to look for her grand mother.On her way to beach ,the girl ran into her grand mother.She told everthing about the incident.Her grand mother got very mad at the because she didn’t obey her .The girl cried out for mecy.Her grand mother ,unfortunately ,kept on beating her.Suddenly the girl disappreared in a thin cloud .Not long after wards ,the could deared a away and thereb appeared a monkey .The girl has changed into  a monkey.
“ Now .Grand mother,you are all by yourself.Nobody else is going to cook the rice ,prepare the coffee ,and tall with you,”said the monkey.The grand mother got lost in receive .She deeply regretted  what she did
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Invitation tells about how to invite or ask someone to participate a particular event or activity.

How to invite someone:
-Would you like to join the party?
-Shall we have a prom night?
-Let’s join the party.
How to accept an invitation:
-Sure. It would be great.
-All right
-Don’t be worry, I come!
How to refuse an invitation:
-It’s excellent, but I can’t
-I’m sorry, I have something to do.
Example of an invitation:
Aldio      : Hii lia, how are you?
Sean           : Hii yanti. I’m really fine. How about you?
Aldio      : Same. So, are you busy tonight?
Sean           : What? I’m free tonight.
Aldio      : Will you join my party tonight? It will be weird, if you don’t come along.
Sean           : Wow. I will come tonight. So, when does the party start?
Aldio      : The party starts at 6.00 PM
Sean           : Great! What is the dress code?
Aldio      : The dress code is chic and simple.
Sean           : Pretty nice.
Aldio      : Please, come friend.
Sean           : Ok yan. So, I have to go home to prepare the party tonight.
Aldio      : See you tonight.
Sean           : See you too
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To express habits,general trurths  ,repeatedactions or unchanging situatuions,emotions and wishes: ‘’ I wor in London ( unchanging situation)

“ I smoke ( habit) ; ‘’ London is a large a city ( general truth) to give instructions or directions : ‘’You walk for two hundred meters,then you turn right .To express fived arrangement ,present or future : ‘’Your exam start at 08.00
Habitual actions
Example: __ Yohanes get up at 5 o’clock every morning
__  I always  do my homework after dinner
Repeated actions
Example : __ We visit ourgrandma in Jakarta twite a year
__  I go to school everyday
General truth
Example : __  A week has 7 days
__  Water boils at 100 celcius  degree

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Past tense is to tell the events or incidents at the past time.Past tense is used :
  • When the speaker thinks of an activity or state as occurred and complete at a specific time in the past
  • For a non-fact in the present or future  time.This is traditionally called the” subjunctive mood “.
Example : If I had the money now,I’d buy a car.
  • To refer a single event on the past
Example : I called Mary last night.
  • The past habitual action.
Example : We went to school together,and we shared many experinces.
The  Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense is kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened already in a certain time in the past.
Adverbs used: yesterday,last night ,last week,two days ago,a few minutes ago,last weekend ,last month ,last years,in 1984,etc
  • Simple past for regular verbs is added by- ed to the root of a word.
Example : She worked at the office yesterday.
  • A negation is produced by adding did not and the verb in its infinitive form.
Example : She did not work at the office yesterday.
Question sentence are started with did as in Did  she work at the office yesterday ?
There are two pattern of Simple Past Tense :
1.( + ) Subject + verb II + complement
( -  ) Subject + did not + verb I + complement
( ?  ) Did + subject + verb I ?
2. ( + ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + Object
( – ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + Not + Object
( ? ) To be ( was/ were ) + Subject + Object ?
Past Continuonus Tense
Past Continuonus Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an event or an action which was happening in a certain in the past.
As with the present tense,the continuous aspect that the activity is in progress ,or that it is uncompleted ,at  the specified time.
The Pattern :
( +  ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + verb – ing + complement
(  -  ) Subject + was not / were not + verb- ing + complement
( ?   ) Was/were + subject + verb-ing + complement ?

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Past perfect tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an Action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed of finished certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to Express an Action or an event that had happened before that other event or actionhappened.
Formula of Verbal Sentence:
(+)  SUBJECT + HAD + V3
(- ) SUBJECT + HAD + NOT + V3
(? ) HAD + SUBJECT + V3?
+ She had put my book on the table last nigth.
- She had not put my book on the table last night.
? Had she put my book on the table last night?
Formula of Nominal Sentence
+ I had been there when the accident hapenned.
- I had not been Three when the accident hapenned.
? Had had been there when the accident hapenned?
^_^ note ^_^
I had = I’d
You had = You’d
We had = We’d
They had = they’d
He had = he’d
She had = She’d
It had = It’d
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