Righteous Kill

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hellooo guyysss ^^ .. this is Definition of Sympathy Expression...
okk.. disini qmu akn menyimakny dgn baikk,, gmana kah itu Sympathy , pengertianny dan sebagai ny ^^..
Sympathy Expression in adlah  sesuatu dmana qita menyampaiqan kata" prhatian qita kpada orng" d sekitar kita
silakan bacyaa yaa ^_-
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern of care fullness on other people's condition.

How can we give sympathy expression to someone ?
We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service , e-mail, television, radio and newspaper if he/she who got the trouble is far from us.

  Expressing sympathy 
-I'm sorry for what's happened
-Oh you, poor little thing
-Look ! This not the end of the world
-(oh, dear) I am sorry (to hear that)
-That's a pity/shame
-You must be very upset
-Oh, no!
-I know how it feels !
The example about sympathy expression:
Andin: My grandfather was die
Sari   : I'm sorry to hear that
Andin: Thanks

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